
Monday, September 13, 2004

Ever heard of the famous guy called Van Gough? well lets meet his family shall we?...
Van Gogh's Relatives
After much careful research, it has been discovered that the artist Vincent Van Gogh had many relatives. Among them were:
His obnoxious brother: Please Gogh
His dizzy aunt: Verti Gogh
The brother who ate prunes: Gotta Gogh
The constipated uncle: Can't Gogh
The brother who worked at a convenience store: Stop'n Gogh
The grandfather from Yugoslavia: U Gogh
The brother who bleached his clothes white: Hue Gogh
The cousin in Illinois: Chica Gogh
His magician uncle: Wherediddy Gogh
His Italian uncle: Day Gogh
His Mexican cousin: Amee Gogh
The Mexican cousin's American half-brother: Grin Gogh
The ballroom dancing aunt: Tan Gogh
A sister who loved disco: Go Gogh
The bird lover uncle: Flamin Gogh
His nephew psychoanalyst: E Gogh
The fruit loving cousin: Man Gogh
An aunt who taught positive thinking: Wayto Gogh
The little bouncy nephew: Poe Gogh
His niece who travels the country in a van: Winnie Bay Gogh. cool huh....?
oh hey..check dis out too..haha fer all u hopeless romantics out there... 50 Ways To Say “I Love You” 1. “If my heart were a baked potato, I’d serve it to you with extra butter and sour cream.” 2. “Your terrible personality isn’t so terrible after a few drinks and even when I sober up, it’s not as terrible as everyone says.” 3. “I’d shave my entire body with a dull, rusty razor blade and take a vinegar bath for you.” 4. “I am rubber, you are glue, any feelings you have for me bounce off and stick to you. Ironically, I feel the same way.” 5. “The other day I saw this little girl day drop her whole ice cream cone on the ground and start bawling. After I stopped laughing, I thought, “I’m the same way when you don’t call when you say you will.” 6. “I saw you in the morning, on the toilet, and I didn’t run screaming. So there.” 7. “Hug me. If you let go -- you lose.” 8. “Umm… like… you and me? Yeah. You and me.” 9. “You are to me what an eye patch and parrot is to a pirate.” 10. “You are the hole in my donut.” 11. “I am the pork, you are the beans.” 12. “You make me want to vomit little chocolate hearts.” 13. “You are my personal parachute.” 14. “If you were a margarita, I’d drink you by the bucket.” 15. “I really like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like you.” 16. “If I had my junior high dance to do all over again, I’d lean against the far wall, stare at you, and hate myself for not asking you if you liked the punch.” 17. “I don’t love you. I merely enjoy tolerating your existence immensely.” 18. “I’ll still want to have sex with you even when you’re old, fat, and ugly.” 19. “You had me at ‘Stop following me’.” 20. “Your farts smell like vanilla.” 21. “We’re a two person chain gang.” 22. ““I am valedictorian of the University of You.” 23. “If you needed a kidney transplant, I’d also throw in a bonus lung.” 24. “The wet, fatty ball of muscle and sinew that pumps my thick, steaming blood to all of my internal organs starts to beat irregularly when you come into my line of sight.” 25. “You are to me what Oprah is to mediocre self-help gurus.” 26. “While you’re in the shower, I collect your skin flakes from the sheets and now I carry them around in this little napkin I keep tied around my neck.” 27. “You suck! So good.” 28. “If you were frozen in Carbonite and taken by bounty hunters, I’d gladly disguise myself, infiltrate a fortress of intergalactic gangsters, threaten them with a thermal detonator, and defrost you myself.” 29. “When I was a kid I was kind of stupid and I thought it would be fun if I stuck a fork in the wall socket and obviously I was thrown across the room. Well, that shock that made my teeth chatter and my hair fall out? That’s like you.” 30. “We are totally codependent and I don’t want it any other way.” 31. “This is the “happily ever after” part of the damn fairy tale, dig?” 32. “If you were a handful of genital crabs, I’d never change my underwear.” 33. “I’m not saying we shouldn’t see other people. I’m just saying I’ll chase whoever you see out of town with a nail-studded baseball bat.” 34. “I am your blank check. Don’t bounce me.” 35. “Shut your piehole! Okay -- now kiss me with that beautiful piehole.” 36. “If you were in a horrible accident and they put your head in a saline solution-filled fish tank, I’d feed you, change your water, and carry you on my back everyday until they built you a kick-ass robot body.” 37. “If given the choice between playing roundball like Michael Jordan or raising rugrats with you in a trailer park then I’d be the first to stand in line to buy diapers.” 38. “You’re such a fucking asshole! And so am I. Let’s forgive each other, get drunk, and screw.” 39. “If I was smart, I’d follow you around like a puppy and never, ever crap in the corner.” 40. “Not only would I carry you out of the factory and drive away you away on my sweet chopper… I’d also buy you a beer and a basket of fries.” 41. I wrote you a poem: “You walk in beauty like the night/ which means you’re the hottest babe in sight/Come home with me so I don’t get in a fight/I agree with what you said: you are always right.” 42. “I’m a grown up and just face the facts that you’re my security blanket.” 43. “You don’t know it, but right here, right now, is the point in the musical montage part of the movie. Let’s split a pretzel and go for a walk on the footbridge.” 44. “Not only would I die for you, I’d bitch slap Satan a good one, too.” 45.“Look: you’re the only one allowed in my bunker. So go get some batteries while I’ll clean my shotgun.” 46. “I’m a junky for your instant messages.” 47. “I had the weirdest dream last night: I was waking up just as dawn was breaking, but instead of the sun rising on the horizon, it was your glowing face. You were smiling and glowing and it felt to good. Isn’t that just strange? I have NO idea what that means. Pass the ketchup.” 48. “You’re my best and only naked friend.” 49. “I’d smoke five packs of you everyday and welcome each and every eventual tumor.” 50. “Let’s set aside cool, ironic detachment for just a moment, shall we? I love you. Wow… wasn’t that just like lame movie Reality Bites? You’ve never seen it? It’s awesome… in a totally stupid way.”
Oh..for all those Winnie the pooh friends out there.....(especially nettey)
haha heres some cool jokes.. :P
Q: What do you get if you cross a bear with a toilet?
A: Winnie the Pooh!

Question: Why does Tigger smell?
Answer: You'd smell too if you played with Pooh all day!

What's brown and sits in the forest? Winnie's Pooh.

oh..this ones not bad.. hahha
Q: Why was Tigger sticking his head in the toilet?
A: He was looking for Pooh!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

SIANZ..jus came back from malaysia ytd..and im already wishing i havent..haiZ..totally sianZ todae..nth to do..dont feel like studying or anything with a mosquito called grace bugging me and basically its getting on my NERVES...*frowns at little sis* sometimes i wish i had the money to go arcade man..got dis stupid punching game..very good for stress relief..haha..played lotsa games including tt one wif my frens in m'laysia..it rawks man..haha..i wanna go again...but..hmm..next time..i hope i can bring along my special someone...if im lucky enuff..hahhaha...yeah..hey..dis blogging stuff not bad sia..can change ur mood.. :P okay...gotta go back to stoning..cya around..

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Hey all..haha since so many pple keep askin me to update my blog....here i am..haha..actually my life very borin de..yeah so nth much to write lor..todae actually supposed to go out one..den in the end cancelled..yeah..damn sad lah.all the outings i planed always cancelled in the end de..next time i dowan to plan le.haiZ..screwed up..anyway..im supposed to be doin my work lah.so yeah cya..